Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sequencing Learning Tasks for Place Values.

In referring to teaching variations to children, place value chart should be introduced right after teaching the units using sticks (concrete materials). It is because, the sticks itself are in a bundle of tens and ones, which are clearly stated in the place value chart above the numbers. Therefore, it would guide students to a smoother transition in thinking and they will be able to comprehend that 30 is make up of 3 tens and 4 is make up of 4 ones; which explains the reasons why there are 3 bundles of sticks and 4 loose sticks. 

The numeral words in the expanded notation do not indicate anything. It simply showing the number 30 and 4, followed by the words.There is no bridge between the expanded notation and the sticks that will aid students to connect their understanding of 3 tens and 4 ones make up to the value of 34. The expanded notation is more abstract for the children, which ideally come right after the place value chart.

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